

I would just like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Congratulations on your hard work over the last couple of months, its almost time to relax for a few days before the hard work starts again. Make 2015 your best year yet! 



When approaching female members on the gym and speaking to them about their training, the sentence that seems to come up quite often these days is, "I don't lift heavy weights because I don't want to look like a man or a bodybuilder." The misconception in the gym industry, that by lifting weights you will look like a man is absolute nonsense.

Women were never intended to look like men so the chemistry of both genders are made differently. Some of the most desired women of today lift heavy. It is physically impossible for you as a women to put on serious muscle mass like a man or a bodybuilder as your body and the hormonal makeup of your body won't allow you to.

Well what about female bodybuilders you say? Well they resort to steroids to build serious muscle mass to increase their bodies hormones and change their body's chemistry so that the body will allow that sort of change.

Are you a women looking to firm up tighten up and tone up your physic, then lifting weights is the answer. Not only do you burn twice the amount of calories, you would jogging on the Treadmill or going on the X Trainer for 45 mins, but you will see results and start to notice a positive difference within 6 to 8 weeks.

Ladies, which would you rather?

In a recent survey carried out by "The Daily mail", 63% of men would rather date a girl that lifts weights. So the decision is yours ladies, don't be afraid to lift some iron. If your joining the gym to get in shape, do it properly and leave the excuses at home.

As a result of lifting weights.



Have you been working out tirelessly in the gym? Have you been doing every training programme and more? And still not getting your desired results? Then maybe you need to look at your diet and in specific your protein intake, are you getting enough in your diet?

If your goal is to lose weight or to build muscle, then you must make sure you are getting enough protein and at the right times. A steady intake of protein through out the day is needed to aid recovery, growth and prevent the breakdown of muscle.

For weight loss/weight management, Studies show that protein takes longer to digest than carbohydrates, so by eating a high protein meal, you will feel fuller for longer, this will reduce your urge to snack between meals.

The daily intake of protein for someone looking to build muscle: For every kg you weigh you should aim to have 1.5/2 grams of protein. e.g. A person who weighs 70kg should aim to intake around 120 to 140 grams of protein per day.

Your body uses protein to repair and build muscle. Protein is extremely important as your body can't function without it. For example it is extremely important in a child's diet as they need protein for growth and development.

Here is a list of high protein foods you can eat on the go throughout your day to increase your protein intake;

Brazil Nuts
Chia Seeds
Pumpkin Seeds
Sunflower Seeds

Here is a chart that shows your top protein sources per 100 calories, taken from leanitup.com (Don't worry all you vegetarians out there, it also includes some vegetarian options too)



The question that I get asked on the gym floor most frequently is the age old question, How do I get abs?

Its quite simple, if you don't lose the layer of fat covering your abs, no matter how many ''sit ups'' or ''crunches'' you do, you won't see results.

It doesn't matter if you can do every abs workout possible 10 times over, if your body fat percentage isn't low enough no one will see what your packing underneath. For men it should be below 12% before you start seeing some definition, for women 20%.

Top 5 ways to achieving the abs you want!

1. Diet. Your diet is the most important part of achieving great abs, without this you will be wasting your time. Ever heard the saying, ''abs are made in the kitchen''? and "abs are 70% diet and 30% training."

2. Cardio. 45 minutes 3 times a week on average will help you achieve a lower body fat percentage. Within your 45 minutes of cardio I would suggest putting 15 minutes aside for some High Intense Interval Training, (HIIT). This will burn major fat and get you to those dream abs.

3. Big compound movements. Doing squats, deadlifts or lunges where you engage the biggest muscles in your body, legs and back, will help you lose weight, strengthen your core and help you on your way to achieving the six pack of your dreams.

4. Working your core. Yes you still have to work your core, where people go wrong is thinking that is all they have to do. I will suggest doing 10 minutes of core exersices after your workout 3 times a week.

5. And last but most certainly not least is REST. You have to allow your muscles to recover and grow. Make sure you have the right amount of sleep and try to work in at least 2 rest days a week.