

When life throws you lemons, just catch them, squeeze them and drink them.

Lemons can be often overlooked as an integral part of your diet however, there are many health benefits of including lemons in your diet, that may change your mind about the sour tasting fruit. You may just find yourself picking one up next time your in the supermarket.

Lemons are a natural energiser. It oxygenates the body so it feels revitalised and refreshed.

Among many health benefits, the main 8 are:

1. Boosts your immune system

2. Balances ph

3. It purifiers blood

4. Flushes out unwanted materials in the body

5. Decreases wrinkles and blemishes

6. Helps balance the calcium and oxygen levels in the liver

7. Can help dissolve gall bladder stones and other calcium build ups that are dangerous to the body

8. Can help relieve indigestion

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