A high protein diet is not only great for building and toning muscle but also enhances fat loss. One of the main reasons it works is that it boosts the levels of peptide in the body, a hormone, which decreases hunger levels.
2. Drink Lots Of Water:
Drinking lots of water helps boost your metabolism. A lack of water causes you to become dehydrated as we all know. This causes you to become lethargic, and leaves you with reduced energy levels. This can lead to 'hunger like feelings'.
3. Eat The Right Carbs:
When eating carbs make sure you are having the right carbs. Wholegrain, brown and oatmeal. These types of carbs help keep insulin levels low and manageable, this will help against insulin levels jumping up and stoping the fat burning process and increasing the task of losing fat.
4. Eat Fruit
Fruit is high in fibre which will keep you fuller for longer throughout the day. Fruit is also naturally sweet which may help against your sugary cravings later on in the day. For fruits low in calories per gram try eating Berries, ( Strawberries and Blueberries) peaches and Apples.
5. Eat Good Fats To Lose Bad Fat:
Of your daily intake of calories, it is widely recommended that 30% should come from good fats such as nuts. These fats known as MUFA's raise good cholesterol and lower bad cholesterol. Having good fats regularly will help you lose fat, it is a slow digesting food, it will help you feel fuller for longer, you'll therefore be eating less 'bad fat' foods.
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